Food Benefits at Risk How SNAP Could Change Under the Trump Administration

Food Benefits at Risk: How SNAP Could Change Under the Trump Administration?

After winning the 2024 presidential election, Donald Trump has pledged to drastically alter a number of government initiatives, including the well-known Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Formerly known as Food Stamps, the program provides assistance to millions of Americans in need each month. Under the new administration, Republican lawmakers are proposing a number of changes to the largest anti-hunger program in the country.

All around the country, low- or no-income households that would otherwise find it difficult to purchase food are given SNAP payments.

An average of 42.1 million people, or 12.6% of all Americans, were serviced by the program each month in 2023.

Republicans have criticized its expense even though it is a lifeline for Americans who are having financial difficulties.The Pew Research Center estimates that the government spent $119.4 billion on SNAP in fiscal year 2022.

Benefit payments totaled about $113.9 billion, with an additional $5.5 billion going toward administrative and other expenses.

What potential changes might the Trump administration bring to food benefits?

The main goals of Republicans’ comprehensive ideas for the SNAP program are to address health concerns and lower the program’s total cost.

Additionally, they advocated for modifications to the Department of Agriculture’s mechanism for determining benefit amounts, the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP).

Food Benefits at Risk: How SNAP Could Change Under the Trump Administration?

Lawmakers intend to reverse former President Joe Biden’s TFP expansion, which resulted in a 23% boost in SNAP payments in 2021, according to a paper filed by House Republicans.

The amount that SNAP beneficiaries can receive outside of inflation was updated on a regular basis.

Republicans seek to repeal this TFP amendment, which would eventually lower the SNAP benefits’ purchasing power.

They claim that the 1996 legislative scrutiny Act was broken by Biden’s decision, which was carried out without legislative scrutiny.

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SNAP eligibility adjustments

Current legislation allows states to offer SNAP benefits to individuals who would not otherwise qualify through a process known as broad-based category eligibility (BBCE). This rule makes it possible for recipients of aid from programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to sign up for SNAP automatically.

The Republican budget calls for removing BBCE, “because some TANF services are available to households with incomes higher than those eligible for SNAP, states can allow individuals to enroll in SNAP without meeting federal eligibility criteria for assets, income or both.”

The number of eligible beneficiaries residing in a home determines how benefits are distributed under current USDA regulations. Republicans intend to restrict SNAP benefits to a family of six per household.

For homes with more than six people, this means that the highest amount accessible under the current benefit guidelines would be $1,390 per month.

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Currently, healthy beneficiaries between the ages of 18 and 54 must prove they have worked at least 80 hours per month in order to be eligible for SNAP benefits for more than three months in three consecutive years. This age restriction should be raised to 56 by Republicans.

Before any of the Republican budget proposal’s objectives can become law, it must pass through a number of congressional processes, and Democratic politicians are certain to strongly oppose it.

Rueben York

For more than three years, Rueben York has been covering news in the United States. His work demonstrates a strong commitment to keeping readers informed and involved, from breaking news to important local problems. With a knack for getting to the heart of a story, he delivers news that is both relevant and insightful.

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