Is It Illegal to Chain Your Pet Outside in Oklahoma Here’s What the Law Really Says

Is It Illegal to Chain Your Pet Outside in Oklahoma? Here’s What the Law Really Says

There isn’t a state law in Oklahoma that expressly forbids or restricts tethering dogs outside as of February 2025. Nonetheless, a few Oklahoman cities and municipalities have passed their own laws that govern this practice.

State legislation

As of right now, Oklahoma has no state legislation that specifically prohibits or restricts dog tethering. To solve this issue, House Bill 1580 was introduced in 2021; however, it was unsuccessful.

With a few exceptions, the law would have made it illegal to chain or tie a dog for longer than five hours in a 24-hour period.

It also sought to establish standards for the appropriate care, housing, and tethering techniques for dogs kept outside.

Ordinances at the local level

Despite the absence of state legislation, certain Oklahoman cities have taken steps to control dog tethering:


An ordinance establishing new guidelines for humane pet care was approved in Tulsa in November 2023. Important points consist of:

  • Prohibiting the use of tethers attached directly to a dog’s neck, choke collars, and collars that are too tiny
  • Prohibiting tethering from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  • Requiring dogs kept outside to have proper shelter
  • Requiring dogs to be indoors when the temperature falls below 25°F or rises over 85°F

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Dogs must be supervised when being tethered.

  • Tethers need to be ten feet or more in length.
  • Cleanliness and the absence of entanglement hazards are essential for the tethering area.
  • Each cable run may only have a single dog attached to it.


Norman forbids tethering cats or dogs for any length of time unless an adult is there to provide constant supervision.


Without permission from animal protection officials, it is illegal to tie, chain, or fasten a dog on the owner’s or landlord’s property in Lawton.

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Top Techniques

Although it’s not strictly prohibited in Oklahoma, professionals and animal advocacy groups strongly advise against tethering dogs for an extended period of time. Both physical and psychological harm may result from the practice.

The following recommendations are suggested if tethering is required for brief periods of time:

  • Never use choke or prong collars; instead, use harnesses or collars that fit properly.
  • Making sure tethers are at least five times the length of the dog’s body
  • ensuring continuous availability of food, water, and suitable housing
    Preventing tethering during severe weather
  • Restricting the duration of tethering to a few hours at a time

Advocacy Activities

Oklahoma’s animal welfare organizations are still working to improve the state’s tethered dog laws.

The group Unchain OK offers tools to enhance outdoor dog circumstances and aims to inform dog owners about alternatives to chaining.

In conclusion, even though Oklahoma does not have full state legislation regarding dog tethering, local regulation is becoming more prevalent.

Instead of depending on long-term tethering, pet owners can make sure their dogs have adequate shelter, exercise, and company by checking their local rules and prioritizing humane treatment.

Rueben York

For more than three years, Rueben York has been covering news in the United States. His work demonstrates a strong commitment to keeping readers informed and involved, from breaking news to important local problems. With a knack for getting to the heart of a story, he delivers news that is both relevant and insightful.

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